Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Seminar Reflection 05/12/09

During our seminar today in Peter's class, my seminar group discussed the comparisons between the "Fat Man" reading, Failsafe, and Dr Strangelove. In the end, we actually described more about the reading than the actual movies because Herman Kahn had so many ideas that each of us had questions about. We spent some time talking about a quote from Kahn, "War is a terrible thing, but so is peace." This was related to the fact about birth defects in the USA and how if a nuclear war occurred, that there would be a slight increase in the percentage of birth defects due to radiation of a nuclear explosion. We each had a similar to this quote, thinking that Kahn meant that we already have birth defects in the USA and a slight increase in percentage would not matter and thus proving that our country already isn't necessarily 'pretty' as it is right now.

I personally did not have any questions during the seminar and it seemed any questions that we had, were at least somewhat answered by the end.

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