Thursday, May 14, 2009

Invasion of the Body Snatchers (1954)

This was a very interesting movie. It starts out with what seems like a very distraught man in hospital and then he was asked to explain himself. When he does, the movie proceeds to go to a flashback about Miles' story. Overall, the story proves itself to be a very scary movie for its time. During the 50's, the Cold War was still going on but it seems like this movie doesn't reference any nuclear war type fear or paranoia. It seems the direction of the fear is towards McCarthyism because these pod like creatures were out to erase all of mankind in order to have society be equal and have an ideological world. By the end of the movie, you can see that the pods were starting to expand past the city of Santa Mira. This brings it back to the ideas of Communism because the pod people wanted to have everyone act as the same, without emotions, and this would lead to an eventual communism within the govenment and society. 

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